Friday, April 11, 2008

There's at lease SOME money left in the Music Biz...

This month's issue of SPIN magazine has a curious article profiling the income of music biz folks across the spectrum. The article only sources one professional per category so this is by no means rich statistical data.

At the bottom of the heap:
Ebay CD seller: $32,000
Grungy indie record producer: $25,000
Record Store Geek: $22,000

At the Top:
Superstar DJ - $400,000
Well Known Indie Rapper - $500,000
Big Shot Artist Manager - $ 500,000

The most revealing number was the Major Label A&R guy who is now making 92,000 after a pay cut from 250,000. (Was it ego or a plea for sympathy that led to that disclosure?)

The music photog was pulling in $125,000. Way to hustle!

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